Gene Editing Disease Research: Do Mice Or Pig Models Work Best?

Beyond direct improvements to plants, insects, and animals, including humans, that genetic modification technologies have brought to the world, these techniques have also served as crucial tools for modeling other conditions and creating a better understanding of how to not only improve the overall health of living organisms, but also how to combat a myriad […]

3D still showing tumor

Tumors Targeted In Novel Cisgenic CAR T-Cell Cancer Immunotherapy

The fight against the many forms of cancer has been a long and ongoing battle, with each different type requiring a novel and targeted solution to defeat. Generalized treatments have arisen over time, with the likes of CAR T-cell therapy, but there are still numerous hurdles depending on the cancer being dealt with. Before that […]

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Photoresponsive Nanoparticles And CRISPR Activation To Treat Cancer

When it comes to using CRISPR on a broad scale, different types of applications have to be utilized for different systems. If modifying bacterial genomes are the focus, then a viral vector to get the CRISPR complex into the cell is efficient enough for most purposes. But on multicellular organisms, there can be a number […]


The EU’s Wholesale Refutation of Seralini’s Anti-GMO ‘Science’

There has, since 2012, been a problem in the biotechnology science community, much akin to the problems faced by the community involved in vaccine research. It is likely that many of you are already aware of the story of Andrew Wakefield and his shoddy study involving fabricated data and made up children where he concluded […]

Mouse litter

Genetically Modified Stem Cells Allow Mice Born With Same-Sex Parents

Research into sexual embryonic development and the forms of offspring progeneration has long been a source of study to determine yet another facet to early formation of the embryo. Mammals are a bit special when it comes to the topic of genetic development of the egg cell. All of our animal cousins among the reptiles, […]

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Origins of Model Organisms and Their Influence on Biotechnology Part 2

When researching the effects medicine has on a living organism or when trying to track how a disease is contracted and spreads throughout the body or when just simply wanting to test an observation in nature within a controlled and reliable setting, the scientific community has the greatest thanks to offer to the model organisms. […]

E15.5 mouse embryonic testes

Genetic Barcodes In Mice Allow CRISPR To Map Body Cell Development

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” is how the saying goes. But does that have to be true? A hammer can actually be a quite versatile instrument and, with some insight and ingenuity, be put to tasks that would previously have been thought outside of its purview. A hammer […]


Phage-Coated Microparticles Treats Lung Conditions Like Cystic Fibrosis

The methods available to treat bacterial infections are many. But among those with any real and lasting effectiveness, their usage is limited. Antibiotics were once the Holy Grail of medicine to deal with devastating diseases that wiped out entire populations. With them, these suffering conditions were almost entirely wiped out and the populace began to […]