There is an ongoing food crisis that is becoming more severe every year, even if many don’t openly see it in more developed parts of the world. Global actions have improved overall food security for many impoverished and subsistence farming regions, but the larger looming crisis has not been diminished. With limited agricultural space on […]
Dealing with all the various forms of cancer is an ongoing medical trial of trying to push a boulder up a very steep hill. While progress is often very clearly and obviously being made, it is still a struggle to make advancements and no one single treatment is often good enough to solve the problem […]
Robustness is a characteristic that is highly desired for all plants that we grow, with the term covering the gamut of stress resistances and ability to defend oneself from pathogenic attacks. At the same time, however, agricultural breeders desire to bring in wild relatives of plants to provide a greater diversity of traits and, indeed, […]
The creation of transgenic plants and the use of gene modification technologies has been a marvel for agriculture and medicine, with the former seeing the ability to massively increase resistances to stress and higher production and yield possibilities. But, at the same time, even this sort of technology is slow and requires multiple generations of […]
With the world continuing on its course toward severe climate instability in the future, the desire to reduce the use of fossil fuels and lower humanity’s production of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide has become an issue of ever greater importance as the years go on. But there are a number of highly beneficial chemicals […]
Being able to edit the genome of living people has been a long sought after goal of medical research in order to cure any number of genetic disorders. Most such editing research is only able to affect such changes either on a generational level by changing eggs in vivo or in a localized area of […]
Each type of CRISPR has its own unique and special properties that allow it to edit and modify DNA, and in some cases RNA, in a variety of useful manners. This includes Cas10’s ability to target mutated sequences, Cas1 and Cas2’s viral DNA insertion abilities, and Cas12’s high detection abilities for viral DNA hiding in […]
The medical field can often perform miracles, using medicines and surgeries to bring people back from the brink of death. Diseases can be cured, but there are limits to what can be fixed. If someone loses a limb, then while the wound left behind may heal, the limb itself won’t magically return. The ability to […]
Basic research has always had the tendency to contain surprising revelations on how the world functions. Whether in physics, chemistry, or biology. And in the case of biological studies, it is one of the reasons why model organisms are so important, as a reflection of all other organisms similar to them and as a way […]
When the potential of CRISPR was first identified, its abilities seemed limitless as if it could be used to accomplish anything. But, in reality, those early days saw a very limited CRISPR that could only be inserted into a few kinds of cells and could only make a few narrow types of change accurately. The […]