Krallenfrosch Xenopus laevis

Amputated Limb Regeneration Using Biochemical Regrowth On Frog

The medical field can often perform miracles, using medicines and surgeries to bring people back from the brink of death. Diseases can be cured, but there are limits to what can be fixed. If someone loses a limb, then while the wound left behind may heal, the limb itself won’t magically return. The ability to […]

Cancer cells (1)

Photoresponsive Nanoparticles And CRISPR Activation To Treat Cancer

When it comes to using CRISPR on a broad scale, different types of applications have to be utilized for different systems. If modifying bacterial genomes are the focus, then a viral vector to get the CRISPR complex into the cell is efficient enough for most purposes. But on multicellular organisms, there can be a number […]