Gene Editing Disease Research: Do Mice Or Pig Models Work Best?

Beyond direct improvements to plants, insects, and animals, including humans, that genetic modification technologies have brought to the world, these techniques have also served as crucial tools for modeling other conditions and creating a better understanding of how to not only improve the overall health of living organisms, but also how to combat a myriad […]

Grant Clark County Wisc soybeans

Nanocarrier Spray Silences Genes In Plants Without Gene Modification

The creation of transgenic plants and the use of gene modification technologies has been a marvel for agriculture and medicine, with the former seeing the ability to massively increase resistances to stress and higher production and yield possibilities. But, at the same time, even this sort of technology is slow and requires multiple generations of […]

Grape tomatoes on the vine at Ljubljana Central Market

Japan’s CRISPR Tomato High In Stress-Reducing GABA Neurotransmitter

The genetic modification methods involving CRISPR have been a part of science and popular culture for over a decade and we have begun to see scientific accomplishments using Cas9 and all the other CRISPR tools. But it has also been a question of when we’d start seeing items such as food modified by CRISPR become […]