Mapping Genetic Pathways With MAGIC CRISPR

While the effects of a singular gene and its protein output can be measured and quantified, many traits of organisms are part of far more complex regulatory pathways involving dozens of genes that turn on and off different systems. Mapping out how these pathways interact and what genes make them up has been a key […]


Directed Evolution of Plants Via CRISPR DNA Breakage and Mutagenesis

If one is trying to find new and unique traits and abilities in any organism, then the regular span of generations takes far too long in the natural world. Instead of relying on evolution by natural selection, directed evolution by human hands works much better and can be accelerated in multiple ways. So far, the […]

Cancer cells (1)

Photoresponsive Nanoparticles And CRISPR Activation To Treat Cancer

When it comes to using CRISPR on a broad scale, different types of applications have to be utilized for different systems. If modifying bacterial genomes are the focus, then a viral vector to get the CRISPR complex into the cell is efficient enough for most purposes. But on multicellular organisms, there can be a number […]

Chillies (3347274146)

Capsaicin, Peppers, And Genetically Engineering A Spicy Tomato

When speaking of spiciness in science, we use an entirely different term that perhaps holds a slightly altered connotation in common language: pungency. It is this that refers to the sensation of heat after consumption and how intense and long-lasting that effect is on the average consumer. And there is no other quintessential aspect of […]

Zebrafish (26436913602)

Origins of Model Organisms and Their Influence on Biotechnology Part 2

When researching the effects medicine has on a living organism or when trying to track how a disease is contracted and spreads throughout the body or when just simply wanting to test an observation in nature within a controlled and reliable setting, the scientific community has the greatest thanks to offer to the model organisms. […]

E15.5 mouse embryonic testes

Genetic Barcodes In Mice Allow CRISPR To Map Body Cell Development

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” is how the saying goes. But does that have to be true? A hammer can actually be a quite versatile instrument and, with some insight and ingenuity, be put to tasks that would previously have been thought outside of its purview. A hammer […]

Group A Streptococcus Bacteria on Human Neutrophil (8517040030)

CRISPR-Polymerase Fusion Makes A Forced Mutation And Evolution Tool

The past five or so years has been a bit of a roller-coaster for any field that dabbles in genetics. The advancements the scientific community has made in such a short time frame are nothing less than extraordinary and things only seem to be accelerating from here on out. And the single piece of technology […]


Plant Pathogenic Viruses: An Overview of Current Biotechnology Research

Pathogens are a broad field of research. To many, different species and even kingdoms of pathogens must be treated with separate hands, while others feel they are similar enough as to be dealt with together. Bacteria and viruses make up the bulk of this argument and, as with many things, the true answer appears to […]