Chickpea Genes May Give New Life To Brassica Against Fungal Blight

There are, always, too many pathogens in the world. Often too many to catalog and keep track of and they are constantly changing, whether bacterial, viral, fungal, or even other options. When it comes to plants and agricultural output, the worst kinds of pathogens are those that can infect a variety of important crops grown […]


Fooling Soybeans With An Illusory Attack Produces Stronger Offspring

When attempting to produce new traits and properties in plants, it’s commonplace to try and expose them to stressful conditions alongside mutagenic agents in the hopes that this will help induce the formation of resistance genes. This process sometimes is successful, but it involves a large amount of trial and error, as most experiments involving […]

Mouse litter

Genetically Modified Stem Cells Allow Mice Born With Same-Sex Parents

Research into sexual embryonic development and the forms of offspring progeneration has long been a source of study to determine yet another facet to early formation of the embryo. Mammals are a bit special when it comes to the topic of genetic development of the egg cell. All of our animal cousins among the reptiles, […]


Plant Terpenoid Pathway Insights Leads To Enhanced Medicine Synthesis

Plant compounds make up many of the derived medicines, poisons, and generally useful molecules used in the world today and for much of human history. While we may have learned to produce several of them synthetically as technology has advanced, the original knowledge on their properties and how to use them came from nature. Even […]

Chara sp reproductive structure

Uncovering The Genetic History of How Plants First Came To Land

As genetic sequencing technologies have become cheaper and more plentiful, scientists researching the history of life on Earth have found it that much easier to learn about the answers to the many mysteries that still lay unresolved. A major piece of the puzzle involves the emergence of plant life onto land and out of the […]