Plants Copy Nematode Pheromones To Repel Infestations

Plants never cease to reveal their unique and astonishing methods of protecting themselves from pathogens. Here on Bioscription we’ve previously discussed the topic of the pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) system and how it allows plants to uptake and conserve important foreign molecules for future immune system response. It is, in many ways, similar to the […]

Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum 'N' Joy') 2

Genetically Modified Pothos Ivy Houseplant Detoxifies Air Of Pollutants

No matter where or when you are in the world, there are carcinogenic pollutants in the air. The natural degradation of plant material and other chemical reactions across the planet produce these compounds. This is also true for humans and the things we make and the homes we live in. The slow breakdown of laminate […]