Arabidopsis thaliana PID1137-3

Plant Genome On and Off Switch Runs By A CLASSY System

Basic research has always had the tendency to contain surprising revelations on how the world functions. Whether in physics, chemistry, or biology. And in the case of biological studies, it is one of the reasons why model organisms are so important, as a reflection of all other organisms similar to them and as a way […]

Bound Chromatin Blocking CRISPR Genetic Engineering Broken Open

Scientists and scientific publications often discuss CRISPR as a tool that, once inserted successfully into a cell, just gets to work on modifying the host cell genome. Its efficiency and accuracy may vary, but it is often thought of in conversation as a highly effective gene modifying device. That as it turns out is only […]

Plant and Insect Viruses Act Symbiotically In Host Infection

When dealing with pathogens of plants, it is those of the viral kind in conjunction with their vector pests that can prove to be the biggest threats. Aphids, especially, are known for transmitting dozens of dangerous viral diseases while also themselves managing to kill a host plant outright through sucking up too much sap. Therefore, […]


Motif Removal Gives DNA Invisibility To Bacterial Detection Systems

While genetic modification technologies have been expanding rapidly in the biological and medical spheres, there is an obvious limitation in how this sort of research is applied. For the microscopic level and the macro beyond it, only a select number of organisms have proven to be amenable to such modification techniques. Others have either shown […]

Bees Drinking Honey

Honeybees Show Self-Vaccination Abilities Using dsRNA and Royal Jelly

While the honeybee has a comparatively negligible role when it comes to pollination in the wild, that niche filled by the dozens of other bee species that are also often colony-less, they nonetheless have an important spotlight on them when it comes to human agriculture. This is so even if they only make up less […]


Fooling Soybeans With An Illusory Attack Produces Stronger Offspring

When attempting to produce new traits and properties in plants, it’s commonplace to try and expose them to stressful conditions alongside mutagenic agents in the hopes that this will help induce the formation of resistance genes. This process sometimes is successful, but it involves a large amount of trial and error, as most experiments involving […]


Transposons: A History of Their Discovery and Their Viral Connections

As science has continued its investigation into the inner workings of biology and biological systems on the molecular level, we have managed to unearth more and more complexity in the relationships within not only our own body, but in the world around us. Every organism has a symbiotic and antagonistic relationship with its surroundings, with […]

Mouse litter

Genetically Modified Stem Cells Allow Mice Born With Same-Sex Parents

Research into sexual embryonic development and the forms of offspring progeneration has long been a source of study to determine yet another facet to early formation of the embryo. Mammals are a bit special when it comes to the topic of genetic development of the egg cell. All of our animal cousins among the reptiles, […]