PSM V81 D325 A fine source of guayule near las caopas zacatecas

Using Genetic Modification To Produce A New Source Of Rubber Plants

Rubber is one of those unusual substances that isn’t thought about much, but is used in practically everything. From the simple and direct usage in tires for vehicles to any kind of hose or machinery belt or insulation in tiled flooring. There is also the rubber that is used to create latex, which is so […]

CAS 4qyz

CRISPR: An In-Depth Primer On All Its Varieties

A Historical Viewpoint The Explosion Onto The Public Stage For those focused on how history will favor the uncovering of CRISPR and the miraculous developments that have and will spawn from it, the first thing to note is that the idea and research into the technology started several years prior to its explosion into the […]

Pamri River near Kotra village, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Creating GMO Plants To Let Them Hold Their Breath Underwater

Plants aren’t all that different than animals, when it comes down to it. While they can photosynthesize their needs from the sun, for the most part, they still require the same general nutrients and access to water that we do. And one other critical component that they need to survive is the ability to breathe. […]

Chicken - Kolkata 2011-02-11 1007

Preventing Food Poisoning With An Old Biopesticide

Food poisoning is an ongoing problem in the food supply line around the world. Even in the cleanest and most stringent of countries, outbreaks of illness still occur every now and then from some contaminated food source. This isn’t surprising, though, as there are so many parts of the food processing pipeline, from farm to […]

Emirgan 04589

Making An Artificial Tree On A Chip For Hydraulic Robotic Power

We’ve discussed the creation of electronic plants recently and the idea of using plants as electrical storage and transferring devices, allowing an electric connection from, say, one end of a garden or field to another. But plants can transfer far more than just electricity. They are already masters at transferring necessary nutrients from the soil […]

Saving East Africa From The Pestilent Famine Of The Sugarcane Mosaic Virus

The fight against Potyviruses is seemingly neverending in agriculture. Say Hello To Another Terrible Potyvirus As past discussions have shown, they are some of the most deadly plant viruses out there, causing huge swaths of crop death and harvest losses. Additionally, moving up a level to the family of Potyviridae shows that 30% of all […]

Yellow Fever Mosquito -a

New Technique Allows Development Of Better Vaccines Against Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is one of those diseases that you really want to avoid contracting. But for 200,000 people every year, they don’t receive that option. A Yellow Condition The yellow fever virus is the originating name for its parent genus of Flaviviruses, where the yellow of its name in Latin (Flavus) colors all the rest […]


Uncovering The Small Syringe That Bacteria Use To Attack Your Cells

When discussing pathogens infecting cells, we often turn to discussing viruses. But bacteria also have their methods of infection and one of those ways involves injecting toxic compounds into target cells. This usually helps in their bodily invasion by weakening the immune system or outright killing cells. A Dangerous Concoction These compounds come in the […]